At FBC Meadow, 


Join us this Sunday!  We offer Small Group Bible Study for all ages at 9:45 am, followed by the Worship Service at 11:00 am.  Nursery Care is provided for children ages 0-2 at both. 

First Baptist is located on the corner of Moorhead and 2nd Street in Meadow, TX.  Approaching from either direction on US HWY 62/82, turn West on Moorhead (at the large peanut storage facility) and stay on Moorhead for a short distance.  The church will be on the right.  


Coming Events at a Glance!

Wednesday Evening activities are back. Check for details on the Ministries page of the Website.

Session Three of this 13-week cycle of GriefShare will be held Tuesday, February 11th at 6:15 p.m. in the Old Fellowship Hall.  You can join the group anytime during the cycle.

This weekend, February 14-16, six of our youth and two sponsors will be attending a Disciple Now (DNOW) in Brownfield.  This is a time of fellowship, community service, and Bible Study.  Join the church in praying for God's purpose to be fulfilled this weekend and for our youth who will be attending.

During their Spring Break March 16-21, Trevor Brockway and Gina Solberg, along with ten other students from Texas Tech, will be going on mission to Ecuador with Filter of Hope Ministries.  If you would like to assist their mission financially, please mark your donation as Ecuador Missions.  Your support through prayer will also be greatly appreciated.

Using the GroupMe App available on any smart phone, Active Members can now Stay Connected to information of church activities, coming events, announcements, and more through the convenience of texting.  Many of the congregation are already connected!  Once you have the GroupMe app installed, let the church office know and begin to Stay Connected!

Set your mind on things above.

Scripture Memorization

for Week of February 9nd, 2025


1 John 4:10, “In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for our sins.”


Psalm 36:7, “How priceless is Your unfailing love, O God!  People take refuge in the shadow of Your wings.”


Our Church History

The First Baptist Church was organized as a mission church in November of 1919 and met in the first Meadow school house which was a simple two room frame building.  When FBC built their first building for worship, they shared it with the Methodist congregation until they built a church down the street. From that time the church has become an integral part of the local community.  The church has a strong history of supporting worldwide mission work as well as helping to meet the needs in the local area.  Many people have spent their entire lives serving Christ at FBC.  FBC has had many faithful pastors as well over the years.  Our current pastor, Tom Heath, began in the fall of 2021.  The church celebrated our 100th Anniversary in 2019 and is excited to see what lies ahead as we continue to serve Christ together.